Today I am down one more pound. I thought I'd tell you about being heavy and getting there. Things that are hard or we hate hearing, I've said them myself....All you have to do is stop eating so much ¤¤ Have you heard about weight watchers ▪ ▪ Did you know there there are diet drugs now that can help you ☆☆ If you would just increase your exercise ¿¿ Just push that plate of food away °°° Have you joined a gym before••• You would be so pretty if you just lost a few pounds~~~ that hair cut makes you look smaller《《《《 the jewelry will not fit you》》》》18 inch necklace is like a choker on you■■■ what size do you wear I don't know if we have your size₩₩₩ You can always take it to the jewelry store and have it stretched or links added***** we only stock to size XL^^^^^If you pull your hair around your face your face will look slimmer#### oh yes you can wear that just get you a wrap or a sweater====Wow you've changed since school]]]] I didn't recognize you___
I went on a mission trip once and when I meet one of the ladies here in the US she looked me up and down and talked in her language to her friend, when I asked what she said the lady said she want to make sure you know you will be walking a lot. Did they think I didn't know what they were really thinking.
You have to think before you sit in a seat at the doctors office. When you go to a ballgame with the fold down seats you worry if you fit. The theatre is a struggle. Air plane seating makes you cringe. The Air plane bathroom makes you panic. Some bathroom stalls are hard to get into and turn around. Fitting on an EMS stretcher is like putting rubberbands around a loaf of bread. There are nursing jobs that I can not do because I am over 200 lbs. You can't find the pretty slip extenders to fit plus size. Tights or panty hose is a nightmare. Leggings oh my..... When you start to get on a float you wonder how to look cool if it bust under your weight. You have to buy lawn chairs and look for the weight limit instead of just picking up the pretty one...And you always have to look around at a party for the safest seating or stand. Car seat belts when you get in a friends car is embarrassing to see if it will fit. At the Hospital or hotels have towels that would not dry off a regular size 10 yr old much less an over weight adult. You wonder when your at the beach how many people are watching you roll around like a beached whale. Prom dresses and wedding dresses are torture and the ladies working the rooms really are not interested in helping you. Not to mention they may have 5 options for a dress. discount mermaid siren style wedding wears
My goal in these post are not to get positive affirmations back for me. It is to be transparent in my process/life and the things you may think your the only one feeling. This is to help that one person out there struggling with weight, depression, or lack of courage to do what you feel is best for you.